September 24, 2014
BK President Jason McFarland of IL VI in Effingham, IL needs all your good thoughts and hopes.
Jason has recently been diagnosed with a cancerous cyst on the aorta. Doctors told him that surgery to remove it would leave him with only a 70% change of waking so they suggested he go to the cancer hospital in Houston, TX for another opinion which he did. The doctor there gives him a 95% chance of making it thru surgery and has prescribed chemo to shrink the tumor first. He is currently going thru that process and the tumor is in fact shrinking. If all continues as is currently happening with it, surgery is scheduled for next month.
I spoke with him yesterday and to let him know that if he needs anything, the Blue Knights will be there for him. His only request for assistance at this time is for all the prayers you can provide for him and his family.
I would also ask that you take the time to send him an email wishing him a complete recovery and thereby showing that you stand with him and his family in his time of need. His email address is [email protected] and he can sure use the support of the Blue Knight family.
And if there are any Blue Knights in the Houston area that can be there to support his family when he undergoes surgery, that would also be truly appreciated. Any questions, let me know.
Gayle Murnane
GLRC IL State Rep
P.S. Jason is only 42 years old.